
Troy Johnson

9-11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m.


Professional Communication 

All course documents and details will be found in Microsoft Teams in the student's class account.  First major assignment is as follows:  simply begin a personal journal!  We have discussed so many topics in our room and touched on subjects that are taking place right before our very eyes.  Remember with our feelings and thoughts on a subject such as all that is going on in the world today, we have no right or wrong answers.  You are simply providing me a reflection of society and your personal response to the issues our country is facing.  

Know that I care and love all my kids in my courses so very much,  please make smart choices and look forward to seeing you again soon.

Refer to the main Victoria East Web page for email naming convention and password for Microsoft Teams access for students:

Office Hours:

My office hours are Monday through Friday from 9-11 am and 1-3 pm. During these times I will be available on Microsoft Teams.

Contact Info: