Tammy Sestak

In the dynamic landscape of education, leadership isn't confined to the confines of top-down authority; it's a quality that can be cultivated at every level of an institution. 

At the core of VISD's educational philosophy is our innovative Leadership Definition, a beacon that illuminates the path toward excellence in education. Let's dive into the essence of VISD's Leadership Definition, exploring the three pillars of Connecting, Growing, and Reaching, and how they shape our district's educational landscape.

What exactly is VISD's Leadership Definition? It's a dynamic framework that fosters leadership skills and qualities within the school community, from administrators and teachers to students and parents. VISD believes that leadership isn't confined to a select few; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Connecting to Genius is the first pillar of VISD's Leadership Definition. It emphasizes the importance of forming strong bonds within the educational community. In a world increasingly dominated by technology, building genuine connections has become paramount. It's not just about networking; it's about creating a culture of trust, collaboration, and support. In VISD, Connecting to Genius is about teachers forging meaningful connections with their students, administrators connecting with teachers to foster an environment of creativity, and parents engaging actively in their children's education. This pillar recognizes that strong relationships are the foundation upon which all educational success is built.

The second pillar, Growing in Genius, highlights the commitment to continuous improvement. In the ever-evolving field of education, stagnation is not an option. VISD encourages everyone in the educational community to embrace lifelong learning. For students, this means fostering a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities for growth rather than roadblocks. Teachers are encouraged to pursue professional development opportunities to stay abreast of the latest pedagogical trends. Administrators are challenged to continually refine their leadership skills. The concept is simple: by constantly growing and improving, the entire community can reach new heights of excellence.

Reaching for Genius, the third pillar is all about impact and achieving results. It's about taking the lessons learned through Connecting to and Growing in Genius and using them to create pathways for all and achieve results.  When students and staff reach for genius, they apply newly acquired skills to the real world and become strong problem-solvers who can analyze situations, set goals, and develop the plans needed to achieve results. 

But what does it mean to "discover your genius" in VISD? It's the central idea that drives the entire Leadership Definition. Discovering your genius isn't about finding some hidden talent or a singular moment of clarity. Instead, it's a journey of self-exploration, personal growth, and unlocking one's potential. It's about realizing that leadership isn't a title or a position; it's a mindset and a set of skills that can be developed and refined over time.

Why is VISD's Leadership Definition important? In VISD, leadership is seen as a skillset that can benefit individuals in all aspects of life. In a rapidly changing world, the ability to connect to, grow in, and reach for genius is essential. Being a leader prepares students not just for exams but for the challenges they will face in their careers and personal lives.

In conclusion, VISD's Leadership Definition is a visionary approach to education. It recognizes that leadership isn't confined to a select few but can be nurtured and developed within everyone. By emphasizing the pillars of Connecting to Genius, Growing in Genius, and Reaching for Genius, VISD is not only preparing students for academic success but also equipping them with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in an ever-changing world. Additionally, the VISD Leadership Definition encourages all staff to continue their learning journey and serve as role models and leaders in their department or on their campus. The Leadership Definition is a roadmap to excellence that extends far beyond the classroom, shaping the leaders of tomorrow in Victoria and beyond.

Tammy Sestak is the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability.