Director's Page

Contact Information:
Amanda Heinold
Phone: (361) 788-2820 (ext 38160)
Room: Black Box Theatre/ Scene Shop /Auditorium
Important information for remote learning:
All course documents and details will be found in Microsoft
Teams in the student’s class account.
Refer to the main Victoria East Webpage for email naming
convention and password for Microsoft Teams access for students.
Office Hours on Microsoft Teams | 9-11 am and 1-3 pm | Monday - Friday | |||||
Class Schedule | 1st Period: Theatre 1 | 2nd Period: Theatre 1 | 3rd Period: Technical Theatre | 4th Period: Conference | 5th Period: Technical Theatre | 6th Period: Theatre 2 | 7th Period: Theatre Production |
Hello, my fellow Mighty Titans! My name is Amanda Heinold, and I am the Theatre Arts Director at Victoria East High School. This is my 15th year in education and have taught a variety of levels and content. I have a BFA in Theatre from Sam Houston State University. Go Bearkats! I am a proud member of the Texas Educational Theatre Association, and I believe that education in the arts is imperative to a child's personal growth. Theatre is a special art form because it integrates all forms of art into one. Theatre combines visual art and music, literature and storytelling, and performance. It is the ultimate art form and teaches us who we are and what we are capable of doing by challenging us to reach beyond our limits.
* Teaching theatre remotely is a new experience for me, and I know learning theatre remotely is a new experience for you! Let's be patient with each other, and let's remember we are all human and learning to navigate these new waters together. I promise to do my best to create engaging and meaningful online theatrical experiences for you! If you ever need to talk to me, my office hours are posted above. Please email me, so we can set up a meeting, and I will give you instructions on how we can talk via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. This goes for students and parents!! An artist grows through challenges, so let's all take this opportunity to learn how to grow together! Titan Pride!!! VISD Pride!!