Course Selection

Victoria East will utilize SchooLinks, an online platform, for course selection. This program provides students with a wealth of information, resources, and access to our course guide.

Your student can access the VISD course catalog through SchooLinks. The course catalog includes a list of classes along with detailed descriptions for each one.

Procedures for Schedule Changes

All students are given the opportunity to select their courses for the next school year during the pre-registration process. The master schedule is then designed to accommodate the students’ requests.  Schedule changes can result in overcrowding of classes, which reduces teacher availability for addressing individual student needs.


Schedule changes will be made for the following reasons: 

· Course for graduation is not scheduled

· Already have credit for a course

· School error


Level Changes:

Before any level schedule changes (i.e. a Pre-AP/AP course to a regular course) are considered, the following interventions and/or strategies are required:

· Attend tutorials before and/or after school

· Attend class daily 

· Complete missing assignments

· Schedule parent-teacher conference


The grades earned at the previous level of the course will transfer with the student to the new course.  Failure to complete required summer assignments will not be considered for a schedule change.