Welcome to Coach Buck's website!
I am the head softball coach at VEHS while also serving in our Content Mastery room. I provide special education services to our students while assisting our wonderful English 2 & English 4 teams here. Students, please join the appropriate Remind group for me to be able to better communicate with you and assist you during this time! Please feel free to contact me with anything I can do to assist our students while we all travel through uncharted waters together! 

Office Hours through Teams: 9-11am & 1-3pm
Remind Groups: English 2 - text @9ge8da to 81010 ; English 4 - text @a8ghgff to 81010

All course documents and details will be found in Microsoft Teams in the student's class account.

Refer to the main Victoria East webpage for email naming convention and password for Microsoft Teams access for students.